فارسی عربي


Iran Animation attends 10 Int’l fests

Iran animation ‘Light Sight’ has attended 10 international film festivals all around the world in December.

Iranian successful animation ‘Light Sight’ directed by Moslem Tabatabaei has participated in 10 international film festivals winning awards at the following events.

1- Anchorage International Film Festival in the US

2- Samava Cinema Film Festival in Iraq

3- International Students Creative Award in Japan

4- Cinemaiubit Student film Festival in Romania

5- La San Rafael Film Festival sin Spain

6- Smita Patil Documentary and Short Film Festival in India

7- Dodowa Intarnational Film Festival in Gana

8- Flathead Lake International Cinemafest in the US

9- Cineframe International Short Film Festival in India

10-Our Shorts Their Shorts Fall Screening Session in Bangladesh

“The animation has one character and one setting,” Tabatabaei told the media earlier on, adding, “The character tries to escape from the room to get to the light he sees outside.”


